

At OUTspoken we are committed to platforming, developing and connecting LGBTQ+ women and those who are non-binary and supportive female allies.

Our vision is a world where female and non-binary voices and their unique stories and perspectives are heard. And one where there are more visible role models, in business, charity, media and society at large. 

Our mission is to provide the platforms, training, support and networking that empowers women and those who are non-binary to find their voice and confidence.

A key element of our mission is focused around representation at individual panels and conferences. Too often we only see one woman or one gender diverse person on a panel. And many LGBTQ+ events, business and media spaces lack queer female and gender diverse representation. This means vital perspectives remain unheard and role models are not seen.


We all know the good business reasons for greater diversity, and this extends beyond just employment. And we know many companies and sectors (especially tech, finance and medical) want to improve the senior leaders they have that are female and gender diverse.

Visibility matters to both existing and future employees. 

  • Research shows that queer women are looking for greater visibility in all sectors of public life, especially in the media and business. (Universal Mcann - The invisible Women Research 2019)

  • And when it comes to future workers, 80% of LGBTQ+ Generation Z jobseekers said that seeing visible LGBTQ+ role models and allies in senior ranks would significantly influence their decision to accept a job offer made by a prospective employer (My GWork - LGBTQ Student and Graduate Survey 2024)


We have three main elements to our charter:

  1. Equity on panels - Panels at LGBTQ+ events and conferences should be max 50% cis male with at least 50% being  female and gender diverse.

  2. Equal voices - Hosts should ensure that airtime is equally distributed and be aware that there is a proven tendency for men to speak longer and speak over women. Panelists should also be made aware of this and the need for equal airtime.

  3. Intersectionality - We also recognise within this you should focus on other factors; ethnicity, disability, age, class and social mobility and faith/religion. 


Sign up to agree to use our charter. We will then add your brand logo to the website as a supporter and adopter of the charter. Contact us Here

The charter is self regulatory. We will not be asking companies and organisations to directly feedback on stats but we will be sending surveys and pulling together charter adopters to provide feedback on an annual basis.


We recommend the following:

  • Explain to colleagues why you are adopting the charter, and where possible ask female and gender diverse colleagues to help explain why it’s important to hear their voices. 

  • Make sure you start with a focus on 50% female and gender diverse panels. Many of our speakers get frustrated at being asked to attend and take part in events at short notice, when it’s suddenly realised there is a lack of diversity.

  • Explain this is not about taking away male voices but just making panels and conferences more equitable.

  • Measure the gender and intersectionality of panels and individual speakers at events during the year.

  • Encourage your queer male employers to back the charter and be aware of it when they are asked to take part in external panels or conferences (see below)

Link the charter to your own surveys and data to see any impact it has not just on LGBTQ+ women and those that are non-binary, but your wider focus on inclusion.

  • We recommend paying speakers for their expertise, time and lived experience. We leave it up to the individual speaker if they wish to donate their time for not-for-profits or any causes that they support.


One way of achieving the balance is for queer cis men to be active allies.

This March, to coincide with International Women’s Day we are asking male allies to support the need for greater equity on panels.

As part of this we will be announcing  our Founding OUTspoken Male Ambassadors at the end of March.

There are 4 things GBTQ+ male allies can do to support female and non-binary speakers.

  1. Just ask about the gender diversity of a panel before you go on it. We of course recognise the importance of male voices, but if it’s less than 50% male we ask you to recommend the organiser finds female or gender diverse panelist/s.

  2. Make yourself aware of great LGBTQ+ female and non-binary speakers. We make this easy for you, as you can just check out speakers on OUTspoken, or recommend us to companies and event organisers.

  3. Support great women and non-binary folks you know to be more confident about their expertise and voice. Our experience shows that many of the latter lack confidence and will not always put themselves forward for speaking slots.

  4. Understand more about some of the challenges that LGBTQ+ women and those who are non-binary face in the workplace. You can do this by asking them or taking part in the virtual Ally workshops OUTspoken is launching.